Cass.Annual herbs, glabrous or somewhat arachnose. Stems 1–several, erect, usually branched. Leaves entire; basal leaves (when present) petiolate, apex acute; cauline leaves alternate, sessile, base amplexicaul, stem-clasping, decurrent, apex acute. Peduncle filiform, naked. Inflorescences 1–many per plant. Capitula hemispherical or campanulate, disciform or discoid, solitary or few arranged in loose corymbose panicles. Involucral bracts free, united at the very base or in basal half, few–many-seriate, with slender linear claws, unequal, lamina scarious, margins fringed or entire. Florets yellow; outer florets female (bisexual in P. davisiana, not in Victoria), uniseriate, tubular; disc florets bisexual, numerous, tubular. Cypselas terete, minutely papillose; pappus bristles few, plumose.
A genus of four species endemic to Australia, two species in Victoria.