Annual herbs, glabrous or with long septate hairs. Leaves in a basal rosette or opposite at the base, alternate above, sessile, entire. Inflorescence of compound heads, or of solitary or loosely clustered capitula; bracts subtending compound heads conspicuous, leafy; general receptacle in compound-headed species becoming hollow with age. Capitula discoid, homogamous; involucral bracts in several rows, white or pinkish, hyaline or papery, often with a conspicuous herbaceous midrib; receptacular bracts often present, resembling involucral bracts. Florets bisexual; corolla tubular, 3–5-lobed, yellowish; style branches truncate; stamens as many as corolla-lobes, anthers tailed. Cypselas c. obovoid, often purplish, with globose, mucilage-producing papillae; pappus a jagged ring or of distinct, often jagged, white scales.
An endemic Australian genus of 4 species, only S. multiflorus occurring outside Western Australia.
Short, P.S. (1999). Siloxerus. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 804–805. Inkata Press, Melbourne.