Grevillea ilicifolia subsp. ilicifolia
Leaves cuneate to kite-shaped, 17–70 mm long, 8–35 mm wide, more or less shallowly lobed (rarely entire), the sinus between lobes extending < 1/2 distance to leaf midrib; primary lobes (2–)3–5(–7), lobes 8–18 mm long, 6–12 mm wide. Flowers Jun.-Feb.
LoM, MuM, Wim, VRiv, RobP, MuF, GipP, DunT. Also SA., NSW. In Victoria Grevillea ilicifolia subsp. ilicifolia is widespread occuring in the Little and Big Deserts, north to Hattah, with an isolate occurence near Swan Hill. Grevillea ilicifolia subsp. ilicifolia is found in mallee, heath and woodland on a wide range of soils including soils derived from limestone, siliceous sands and clays.

Downing, T.L.; Duretto, M.F.; Ladiges, P.Y. (2004). Morphological analysis of the Grevillea ilicifolia complex (Proteaceae) and recognition of taxa. Australian Systematic Botany 17: 327–341.