Shrub or small tree to c. 10 m high, grey-tomentose; branches usually non-tuberculate. Leaves mostly opposite or subopposite, c. terete or linear to linear-lanceolate, mostly 3–9 cm long, 1–3 mm wide, hoary to glabrescent, apex acute and uncinate, margins entire. Inflorescences 1–4-flowered; pedicels 3–10.5 mm long, curved. Flowers zygomorphic; sepals spathulate to oblanceolate, 5–18 mm long, obtuse, separate at base, hoary, usually cream; corolla usually 20–30 mm long, glabrous outside, hirsute inside tube and often on lower parts of lobes, white or suffused with pink, unspotted, upper lip 2-lobed; stamens 4, exserted, anthers reniform; ovary pubescent, style glabrous or hirsute. Fruit obloid-cylindric, 4.5–7 mm long, 2–3 mm diam., dry, densely pubescent. Flowers mostly May–Oct.
LoM, MuM, MuF, HNF. In Victoria confined to mallee and woodland communities on sandy loams in the far north-west; regarded as vulnerable in the State.