Erect to spreading shrub 1–3 m high; branchlets pubescent to villous. Leaves usually ± horizontally spreading, ovate or almost triangular, sometimes shallowly cordate at base, 4–8 mm long, 2–4 mm wide, virtually flat, surfaces glossy, glabrous, the lower slightly paler, with 3 longitudinal veins, the outer branched to the margin; margins entire or minutely ciliate towards apex; apex broadly acute or obtuse, straight. Flowers white, 2–5 in terminal or upper-axillary spikes 3–10 mm long; bracteoles ovate, 1.2–1.8 mm long, obtuse, glabrous; sepals ovate-oblong, 2–2.5 mm long, obtuse, glabrous; corolla c. 4 mm long, lobes c. three-quarters as long as tube, acute, spreading to recurved, shortly bearded within; anthers without sterile tips; ovary 5-locular, glabrous, style c. 1.2 mm long. Fruit depressed-globose, c. 5 mm diam., bright red when ripe and often prolific.
EGL, EGU, HSF, HNF, MonT, HFE, VAlp. Also NSW. Locally common in moist subalpine forests usually between 900 and 1200 m altitude (Baw Baws, Nunniong and Errinundra Plateaus) with a few occurrences near the treeline (Bogong High Plains and Mt Hotham). A 1903 collection purportedly from Mt Buffalo is of dubious origin, the species not having been reliably recorded from that mountain before or since.