Shrubs. Leaves alternate, more or less coriaceous, discolorous, the lower surface usually somewhat striate from the 3–several longitudinal nerves. Inflorescences terminal and/or upper axillary, with flowers few to many in spikes; individual flowers with a bract and a pair of bracteoles immediately subtending sepals, functionally unisexual; sepals resembling bracts but larger; corolla lobes valvate in bud, finally spreading to recurved, white-bearded internally or sparsely papillose to glabrous; stamens inserted just below lobes; filaments shorter than anthers; ovary 5–6-locular, with 1 ovule per loculus, completely encircled by nectary of 5 lobes, style slender and terete or thickish near base and tapered upwards. Fruit a drupe, with a dry or fleshy mesocarp and hard endocarp.
5 species, 4 endemic to Australia, 1 to New Zealand.