Deeply rhizomatous perennial, to c. 25 cm high. Leaves all tufted at base, with few to many fine, semi-appressed hairs; petioles 5–18 cm long; lamina 3–8 cm long, pinnately divided into numerous semi-terete segments, 1–4 cm long, c. 1 mm wide, each with a small apical gland. Flowering stems erect, shortly exceeding leaves, 1-flowered; sepals 5–7, spreading, obovate to oblong, 6–15 mm long, wholly glabrous, or hairy on back, often tinged purple; petals 5–13, obovate to oblong, 10–25 mm long, 4–10 mm wide, yellow, glossy, sometimes veined purplish on underside; nectaries 3–7 per petal, lobeless, appearing as small circular or elongate pits near base; stamens numerous. Achenes c. 20–60, plump, obovoid, c. 2.5 mm long, smooth; beak rather stout, 1–1.5 mm long, straight or slightly curved; receptacle glabrous. Flowers Oct.–Feb.
HSF, HNF, VAlp. Also NSW, Tas. Locally common in damp grassland, herbfield and bogs throughout the higher alps (e.g. Mts Howitt, Wellington, Buller, Buffalo, Hotham, Cobberas, and the Bogong High Plains), and at lower altitude on the Baw Baws.