Pomaderris pauciflora
N.A.Wakef.Shrub 1–3 m high; branchlets with dense stellate hairs (sometimes with scattered simple hairs). Leaves narrow-elliptic to obovate, 5–20(–30) mm long, 2–8(–15) mm wide, obtuse, margins recurved, upper surface hispid with simple hairs, secondary veins strongly impressed, lower surface greyish with pale stellate hairs and scattered, longer, rusty, simple or stellate hairs; stipules 2–4 mm long, deciduous. Cymes of inflorescences not or barely exceeding subtending leaves; bracts deciduous or weakly persistent. Flowers cream, externally whitish stellate-pubescent with scattered rusty simple hairs; pedicels 0.5–2.5 mm long; hypanthium 0.7–1 mm long; sepals 1.2–2 mm long, deciduous; petals absent; disc absent; ovary virtually inferior, summit simple-pubescent, style branched in middle third. Operculum membranous, c. three-quarters as long as mericarp. Flowers Oct.–Nov.
Known in Victoria only from rocky banks of the Genoa River, near-riparian forest in the Tubbut-Bonang area, and steep rocky country near the Snowy and Reedy River gorges.
Resembles P. briagolensis, but distinguishable from these by the narrow inflorescence with small cymes, the coarser hairs on the leaf upper surface and the indumentum on the leaf lower surfaces including some simple hairs.
Walsh, N.G. (1999). Pomaderris. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 85–109. Inkata Press, Melbourne.