Acacia lucasii
Blakeley Woolly-bear WattleShrub to 4 m high; branchlets woolly, hairs rusty-brown on young new shoots but ageing silvery white. Phyllodes crowded, ascending to erect, elliptic to narrowly elliptic or lanceolate, 1.5–3(–6) cm long, 6–15 mm wide, often slightly asymmetric, somewhat undulate, grey-green, covered in more or less appressed, woolly hairs, acute to obtuse-mucronate; midrib and marginal veins prominent, lateral veins obscure; gland obscure, 0–8 mm above pulvinus; stipules 2–4 mm long. Peduncles 1–4 mm long, 1 per axil or in terminal racemes with rachis c. 4 cm long, stout, woolly; heads obloid, densely 20–40-flowered, bright light-golden; bracteoles exserted in buds. Flowers 5-merous; sepals united. Pods oblong to narrowly oblong, to c. 4 cm long, 8–14 mm wide, thinly coriaceous-crustaceous, densely covered in woolly, rusty-brown hairs; seeds transverse to oblique, more or less oblong, 4–6 mm long, somewhat shiny, black, arillate. Flowers Oct.–Nov.
EGU, VAlp. Also NSW (upper Tuross River). Extremely localized in Victoria, occurring on the Nunniong Plateau in the far northeast where it grows in heath and low woodland on exposed rocky slopes.
A very distinctive species due to its rusty-brown, woolly new growth and pods.
Entwisle, T.J.; Maslin, B.R.; Cowan, R.S.; Court, A.B. (1996). Mimosaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 3, Dicotyledons Winteraceae to Myrtaceae, pp. 585–658. Inkata Press, Melbourne.