Corybas grumulus
(D.L.Jones) G.N.Backh.Leaf circular, green above, silvery underneath, 15–25 mm long, 12–20 mm wide. Flower reddish-purple with white or purplish central patch, pedicel (excluding ovary) c. 2 mm long; dorsal sepal dark reddish, broadly oblong-obovate, narrowly contracted at base, hooded, covering labellum and extending beyond it, c. 2 cm long when flattened out; lateral sepals linear, tapered, fused at base, directed more or less horizontally forward, c. 3 mm long; petals linear, similar to lateral sepals and attached to them at the base, usually directed forwards, c. 2 mm long. Labellum 10–13 mm long when flattened out, tube erect, longer than lamina, auricles wide and opening downwards; lamina acutely recurved, expanded into trumpet-shaped orifice, crimson-streaked along veins with short bristles on boss, margins coarsely toothed and directed forwards or spreading; central boss purplish, white or cream, inconspicuous, convex (not channelled); callus entire. Column not winged. Flowers Aug.–Sep.
EGL, HSF, HNF. Found in mountain forests of eastern Victoria, often in fern gullies and wet sclerophyll forests growing in rich mountain loam or on rotting logs or treefern trunks.
Corybas grumulus can be distinguished from C. diemenicus by its smaller flowers in which the labellum tube is significantly longer than the lamina, and the marginal teeth on the labellum are shorter.