Olearia ciliata var. ciliata
Sparse, erect, ascending, rarely mat-forming shrub to c. 80 cm high; young branchlets hirsute. Leaves alternate, sessile, linear, mostly 8–30 mm long, 1–3 mm wide, upper surface glabrous to shortly hispid, rarely with sparse cobwebby hairs, lower surface almost obscured by revolute margins and thickened midrib; margins coarsely ciliate, more densely toward base; apex acute. Capitula mostly terminal, 25–40 mm diam., usually solitary on naked or few-bracteate peduncles (1–)5–20(–30) cm long; involucre c. hemispherical, 6–8 mm long; bracts 3–4-seriate, graduating, glabrescent, ciliate toward apex. Ray florets 15–30, mauve to blue, rarely white, ligules 10–17 mm long; disc florets c. 40–100, yellow. Cypsela cylindric, 6–10-ribbed, 1.6–3 mm long, sparsely sericeous; pappus 4–7 mm long. Flowers mostly Sep.–Nov.
LoM, MuM, Wim, GleP, RobP, OtP, CVU, GGr, WPro. Also WA, SA. Moderately common in sandy mallee and mallee-heath in the north-west of Victoria, scattered through heathy woodlands of the Grampians, Dergholm area, Brisbane Ranges and Wilsons Promontory.
![Olearia ciliata var. ciliata (hero image)](https://vicflora-cdn.rbg.vic.gov.au/assets/canto/preview/flqtpqbqd16el4fhpp6ug5cq5s-20240328031312098.jpg)