Prasophyllum morganii
Nicholls Mignonette Leek OrchidFlowering stem 10–25 cm tall. Leaf-blade usually senescent at flowering time, to 16 cm long, 2–10 mm diam. at base, apex lax. Flowers (10–(50–80, greenish suffused with purple, fragrant, somewhat lemon-scented, in a dense narrow-cylindric spike 4–10 cm long, perianth expanding widely; ovary ovoid, turgid, 3–4 mm long, erect; sepals greenish, 4–6 mm long, dorsal sepal broadly ovate, lateral sepals free, linear-lanceolate, parallel to divergent; petals similar to sepals, spreading widely with tips recurved, obtuse to sub-acute. Labellum broadly ovate-lanceolate to cordate, 4–4.5 mm long, recurved almost from base or erect in proximal half, lamina flat, purplish or pink, margins crenate or undulate; callus plate raised, fleshy, green to deep purplish, triangular, smooth to papillate, with a prominent v-shaped ridge extending nearly to labellum apex. Column appendages oblong to ovate, to 1.8 mm high, obtuse. Flowers Oct.–Dec.
HNF, VAlp. Also NSW. Known only from subalpine herbfields on the Nunniong Plateau and near Cobungra (type locality) from where not recorded since 1933.
Prasophyllum retroflexum was named in 2000 for a species (then) considered endemic to the Southern Highlands of New South Wales, but detailed assessment by Ayre et al. (2021) showed it to be morphologically inseparable from the first-named P. morganii.
Bates, R.J. (1994). Prasophyllum. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 2, Ferns and Allied Plants, Conifers and Monocotyledons, pp. 869–886. Inkata Press, Melbourne.

Ayre, B.M.; Hayashi, T.; Phillips, R.D.; Reiter, N. (2021). The Kiandra leek orchid is the previously presumed extinct mignonette leek orchid (Orchidaceae; Orchidoideae): evidence from morphological comparisons. Phytotaxa 528(2): 71–83.