SteetzAnnual herbs, glabrous or somewhat arachnose in leaf axils. Stems 1–many, erect, wiry, usually much-branched. Leaves entire, apex more or less obtuse; basal leaves (when present) petiolate; cauline leaves alternate, sessile, base amplexicaul, stem-clasping. Peduncles filiform, naked. Inflorescences usually many per plant. Capitula campanulate, usually solitary. Involucral bracts free, many-seriate, unequal, lamina greenish with scarious margins indented about half way along each side, glabrous or stereome densely glandular. Florets white or yellow; ray florets female, uniseriate; disc florets bisexual, numerous, tubular. Cypselas ovoid, minutely papillose; pappus bristles few, plumose.
WA, NT, SA, Qld, NSW.
A genus of two species endemic to Australia, one species in Victoria.