Siemssenia capillaris
Steetz Wiry PodolepisWiry much-branched annual to c. 45 cm high; stems glabrous except for cobwebbed hairs in leaf-axils. Leaves glabrous, basal ones oblanceolate to elliptic, to c. 5 cm long, to c. 10 mm wide, soon withering; cauline leaves linear, 0.5–4 cm long, 1–1.5 mm wide, obtuse. Capitula campanulate, 3–6 mm diam., in loose cymes; peduncles mostly 1–4 cm long, naked below involucre; involucral bracts ovate, greenish with scarious margins, indented about half way along each side, entire, glabrous, shiny; intermediate bracts 3.5–5 mm long, claw with scarious margins and longer than lamina; inner bracts long-clawed. Florets white, c. as long as involucre; ray florets 9–12, ligules 2–2.5 mm long, often with a purple line; disc florets 17–22, corolla asymmetric, split down one side. Cypselas c. 1 mm long; pappus bristles 15–18, free, 1–2 mm long, absent from ray cypselas. Flowers Aug.–Mar.
LoM, MuM, RobP, MuF. LoM, MuM, RobP, MuF. Also WA, NT, SA, Qld, NSW. Locally common in north-western Victoria, usually in mallee communities on sandy soils.