Chrysocephalum semipapposum subsp. asperum
(Steetz.) Paul.G.WilsonErect multistemmed perennial. Stems and leaves usually cottony at first, sometimes glabrescent. Leaves of main (flowering) stems oblong to narrowly obovate, to 5(–7) cm long, 5(–15) mm wide, at least the upper surfaces hispid with multicellar, gland-tipped hairs, the lower surface often hispid only along the midrib, sometimes cottony; margins flat or recurved; leaves on axillary, usually sterile branches, or separate stems, shorter (to c. 15 mm long), usually not hispid and often distinctly cottony. Capitula usually numerous in a compact hemispherical or corymbose conflorescence. Female florets with 0 or 1 pappus bristle. Flowers Sep.–Jan.
LoM, MuM, VVP, VRiv, GipP, OtP, Gold, CVU, GGr, DunT, EGL, EGU, HSF, HNF, MonT, HFE, VAlp. Also ?SA, Qld, NSW, Tas. Occasional in mostly sandy heath, heathy woodland and mallee areas, from the Gippsland Plains (e.g. Yarram, Traralgon) to the far north-west.
The separation of (flowering) large-leaved and (usually non-flowering) small-leaves shoots on this subspecies is often conspicuous, the former apparently often produced as a response to fire or other disturbance.