Dimorphotheca fruticosa
(L.) DC.Procumbent perennial, to c. 40 cm high, widely spreading. Leaves obovate, to c. 70 mm long, 25 mm wide, rather thick-textured, glandular-scabrous, margins entire to shallowly toothed or crenate. Capitula borne singly on glandular peduncles to c. 30 cm long. Involucre c. 10–15 mm long with a single series of c. 12–15 acute, narrow-elliptic, glandular-scabrous bracts. Ligulate florets about as many as bracts, c. 30–45 mm long, mainly white above, usually mauve proximally, purplish beneath; disc florets are violet when open, nearly black prior to anthesis. Cypselas ellipsoid, 5–7 mm long, 3-angled. Flowers mostly spring to summer, but often a few flowers present year-round.
VVP, GipP, OtP, WaP, Gold, CVU, HSF, HNF, OtR. Also naturalised SA, Tas. Native to South Africa. Commonly grown as a hardy rockery or border plant; recorded as spreading from domestic gardens into surrounding bushland near Hurstbridge (an outer north-eastern Melbourne suburb), weedy coastal site at Black Rock, and weedy banks along the Yarra River and Moonee Ponds Creek in Melbourne.