Annual or perennial herbs or subshrubs, prostrate to erect. Leaves alternate (rarely opposite or whorled), entire to lobed. Inflorescences of single terminal, pedunculate capitula; involucre hemispheric to cupular, bracts in 1–2 series, linear to lanceolate; receptacle flat or convex, without scales or bristles. Ray florets fertile, 3-toothed at apex, yellow, orange, pink, purple, or white, often blue or purple abaxially. Disc florets numerous, bisexual or staminate only; corolla tube very short, yellow or purple; anther base sagittate, short-tailed, tip ovate or triangular-ovate; style branches very short. Cypselas 3-angled or sometimes narrowly 3-winged, smooth or with tubercles, glabrous; cypselas of disc florets (if developed) smooth, obovate, flattened, winged, glabrous; pappus absent.
Approximately 20 species from southern Africa; several cultivated for ornament and sometimes escaping.