in I.B. Pole-Evans, Fl. Pl. S. Africa16: t.629 (1936)
Taxonomic status
Occurrence status
Degree of establishment
Erect or ascending perennial subshrub to 50 cm high, rhizomatous; branches glandular-hairy. Leaves glandular-hairy, narrowly oblong to oblanceolate, 3–8(–15) cm long, 1–2.5 cm wide, with 2–5 remote teeth or sometimes entire, amplexicaul. Capitula solitary. Involucral bracts 13–20, c. 1-seriate, lanceolate, glandular with wide, white-scarious or purple margins; ray 14–17; ligules 15–25 mm long, reddish on both sides; disc florets yellow inside, blackish-purple outside. Cypselas triangular-obovoid to ellipsoid, 3-angled, 5(–6) mm long. Flowers Apr.–Oct.
GipP, OtP. Native to South Africa. A recently sparingly established species in Victoria that has so far been collected near waterways in Melbourne and Labertouche and a roadside near Anglesea.