Brachyscome radicans
Steetz Marsh DaisyCreeping glabrous perennial. Leaves mainly in near-basal clusters, linear, entire or 3- or 4-lobed, entire leaves 2–13 cm long, 0.5–3.5 mm wide, margins scarious, bases dilated. Peduncles 1 per tuft, 8–16 cm long, with 1 or 2 linear leaves usually in the lower half; bracts 10–15, 1-seriate, equal, obovate, 3.7–4.5 mm long, 1.6–2.5 mm wide, thin, middle area green but with broad scarious margins and apex, apically obtuse and purplish, glabrous except for minute terminal glands on the margins; ligules 7–14 mm long, white, sometimes pale mauve below, or pinkish. Cypselas obovate, 1.8–2.3 mm long, 1–1.3 mm wide, uniformly brown; lateral faces each with 2 longitudinal ridges, central portion smooth or somewhat tuberculate, hairy; margins entire, swollen, hairy; pappus c. 0.3–0.4 mm long. Flowers Dec.–Mar.
EGU, HSF, HNF, VAlp. Also NSW, ACT, Tas. Restricted to the high country of far eastern Victoria, mostly on the Nunniong Plateau and nearby areas (e.g. Morass Ck near Benambra). Grows in swampy situations.
A variable species, particularly regarding the absence or presence and size and number of tubercles on the lateral faces of the cypselas.
Records from the Snowy Range and Baw Baws almost certainly derive from misdetermined specimens of the superficially similar B. barkerae and B. obovata respectively.
Short, P.S. (1999). Brachyscome. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 835–859. Inkata Press, Melbourne.