Pomaderris ledifolia
A.Cunn.Delicate shrub 1–2 m high; branchlets greyish- or rusty-pubescent. Leaves narrow-elliptic, 6–25 mm long, 2–4 mm wide, acute; margins plane or weakly recurved, upper surface glabrous, lower surface sericeous with shining, greyish simple hairs (rusty on midrib) obscuring the underlying stellate hairs, secondary veins not apparent; stipules 0.8–1.5 mm long, deciduous. Inflorescences subumbellate, 1–2.5 cm wide, 2–20-flowered; bracts deciduous. Flowers yellow, externally moderately to densely simple-pubescent; pedicels 2–4 mm long; hypanthium c. 1 mm long; sepals 2–2.5 mm long, deciduous; petals narrow-spathulate, 1.5–2 mm long; ovary virtually inferior, summit simple-pubescent, style branched near base. Operculum membranous, c. two-thirds as long as mericarp Flowers Sep.–Nov.
EGU. Also Qld, NSW. Rare in Victoria where apparently confined to the summit area of Mt Kaye north of Cann River and the Snowy River gorge.
Very close to small-leaved forms of P. andromedifolia, but distinguishable by the narrower leaves without obvious secondary veins, stipules not persisting below the growing tip, and the narrower inflorescence bracts that fall long before anthesis.
Walsh, N.G. (1999). Pomaderris. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 85–109. Inkata Press, Melbourne.
![Pomaderris ledifolia (hero image)](https://vicflora-cdn.rbg.vic.gov.au/assets/canto/preview/rt79r7mcg51n32thi1blua4572-20240327104951699.jpg)