Pomaderris oraria subsp. calcicola
N.G.WalshStraggling shrub, often many-stemmed from base, to c. 2 m high; branchlets greyish or rusty, stellate-pubescent. Leaves narrow-ovate, narrow-elliptic, ovate or elliptic, 20–70 mm long, 10–25 mm wide, acute or obtuse, not toothed, upper surface hispid to subvelutinous with simple hairs, midrib and secondary veins strongly impressed, lower surface densely white or grey stellate-pubescent, with scattered larger rusty stellate hairs (denser over the veins); stipules 2–7 mm long, deciduous. Inflorescence a panicle of 1-several, few-flowered clusters, 3–10 cm long. Flowers greenish, cream or crimson-tinged, externally densely stellate-pubescent; pedicels 0.5–1 mm long. Hypanthium c. 2 mm long; sepals 2–2.5 mm long, persistent; petals absent; disc absent; ovary inferior, summit stellate pubescent; style branched from near base. Operculum membranous, c. two-thirds as long as mericarp. Flowers Nov.–Dec.
GipP, EGL, EGU, VAlp. Endemic on limestone in eastern Victoria, e.g. Mitchell River cliffs near Bairnsdale (where now possibly extinct), shores of Lake Tyers, Swan Reach, Buchan, Murrindal, and an isolated occurrence in the Bindi Valley near Swifts Creek. Often locally dominant in shrubland formations.
Walsh, N.G. (1999). Pomaderris. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 85–109. Inkata Press, Melbourne.