Prosopis velutina
Wooton Velvet MesquiteShrub or tree to 3.5(–10) m high, branching near base; branchlets covered in longish hairs. Leaves with rachis 2–4 cm long, minutely hairy; pinnae in 1 or 2 pairs; pinnules in 7–30 pairs, more or less oblong, 4–13 mm long, 2–4 mm wide, usually asymmetric, with scattered minute hairs on margins and upper surface, apex obtuse with small deflexed point; spinescent stipules 1–2 cm long, usually in pairs. Flowering racemes 5–11 cm long; calyx pubescent. Pods 7–18 cm long, 6–12 mm wide, moniliform in part, yellowish-brown, pubescent when young, shortly stalked; seeds 3–11, brown, transverse. Flowers Oct.–Jan.
Wim, VRiv, MuF. Also naturalised NT, Qld, NSW. Recorded in seasonally inundated paddocks near the Ovens and Murray rivers in northern Victoria.
Prosopis juliflora has previously been misapplied to this species in Victoria.
Entwisle, T.J.; Maslin, B.R.; Cowan, R.S.; Court, A.B. (1996). Mimosaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 3, Dicotyledons Winteraceae to Myrtaceae, pp. 585–658. Inkata Press, Melbourne.