Small trees, shrubs or perennial herbs (not in Victoria), conspicuously gland-dotted; stems erect or spreading, glabrous or pubescent. Leaves alternate, 1–3-foliolate, pinnate (in Victoria) or reduced to scales; margins of leaflets entire; stipules attached by a broad base, fused to base of petiole. Inflorescence a 1–5-flowered axillary fascicle; each flower with or without a bract but subtended by a lobed cupulum; cupulum subtended by 2 free bracts; bracteoles absent. Calyx campanulate, ribbed, encrusted with glands; teeth equal, upper 2 fused for most of their length, inner face of teeth covered with short black hairs; petals clawed, blue; standard orbicular; wings longer than keel, distinctly keeled above claw; keel shortest, obtuse, falcate, incurved, dark-tipped; stamens diadelphous, upper stamen free, anthers uniform; ovary stipitate, ovule 1, style dilated at base, incurved in upper part, glabrous, stigma penicillate. Pod enclosed by calyx at maturity, ovoid, indehiscent, 1-seeded, pericarp reticulately veined, fragile; aril inconspicuous.