Brachyscome gracilis
G.L.R.Davis Dookie DaisyAscending to erect annual, 6–35 cm high, with scattered, eglandular and glandular hairs. Leaves basal and cauline, c. obovate to oblong in outline, 0.4–9 cm long, 1–18 mm wide, commonly 1-pinnatisect (1 or 2 uppermost leaves small and entire), usually conspicuously dilated basally, glabrous or with scattered hairs. Bracts 8–14, 1-seriate, c. equal, 1.6–4.1 mm long, 0.8–1.7 mm wide, mainly green but with scarious, minutely denticulate often purplish margins, glabrous or with scattered glandular hairs; ligules 4–5 mm long, white. Cypselas somewhat dimorphic, obovate to cuneate, distinctly curved, 1.1–2.2 mm long, red-brown or black, tubercles terminating in eglandular hairs with curled apices, glandular hairs absent; ray floret cypselas usually with 1 ridge per face, tuberculate; disk floret cypselas with 2 ridges per face, variably distinct, equally developed, usually broadening in upper part to form 'shoulders', tuberculate between ridges; pappus 0.2–0.4 mm long.
LoM, MuM, VRiv, MSB, RobP, MuF, Gold, CVU, NIS, HNF, VAlp.
Short, P.S. (1999). Brachyscome. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 835–859. Inkata Press, Melbourne.