Eucalyptus kondininensis
Maiden & Blakely Kondinin BlackbuttTree to 10 m tall; bark rough on lower trunk, blackish, coarsely flaky and fissured to compact, smooth above. Juvenile leaves petiolate, alternate, ovate to lanceolate, to 8 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, grey-green to green; adult leaves petiolate, alternate, lanceolate to falcate, 6–11 cm long, 0.6–1.2(–1.8) cm wide, glossy, green; reticulation dense, with intersectional oil glands. Inflorescences axillary, unbranched; peduncles to 1.4 cm long, terete or angular, 7-flowered; buds sessile or subsessile, ovoid, to 1.1 cm long, 0.5 cm diam., scar present; operculum conical or beaked, ribbed; stamens inflexed; anthers versatile, dorsifixed, cuneate; ovules in 4 vertical rows; flowers white. Fruit sessile, rarely shortly pedicellate, cupular to obconical, to 0.6 cm long, 0.7 cm diam.; disc descending; valves 3 or 4, rim level to slightly exserted; seeds glossy, reddish, flattened-ovoid, shallowly reticulate, hilum ventral. Flowers Oct.–Apr.
CVU. Native to WA. In southern Western Australia it is often found in saline areas. Naturalised in the White Elephant Range, near Bacchus Marsh.