Phebalium stenophyllum
(Benth.) Maiden & Betche Narrow-leaved PhebaliumShrub to 1.5 m high; branchlets silvery- to ferruginous-lepidote. Leaves shortly petiolate; lamina narrow-oblong, 4–20 mm long, 0.8–3 mm wide, obtuse, subterete, upper surface glabrous or glabrescent, midrib not apparent, lower surface lepidote, margins recurved to revolute. Inflorescence a terminal 3–10-flowered umbel-like cluster; peduncle absent; pedicels 3–9 mm long. Calyx hemispherical, c. 1–1.5 mm long, silvery- to ferruginous-lepidote, smooth; petals 5 (rarely 6), imbricate, elliptic, 3–4 mm long, yellow, lepidote outside and ferruginous in upper half, silvery in lower half; stamens exserted, anthers yellow; disc not apparent; ovary silvery-lepidote. Follicles c. erect, ferruginous-lepidote, c. 3 mm long. Flowers spring.
LoM, MuM, Wim, CVU, GGr, HSF. Also ?SA, NSW. In Victoria occurring mainly in the far west, but also recorded from Mt Zero and Mt Abrupt in the Grampians and from near Blackwood. The species is found in eucalypt woodland on shallow, rocky soils, or in heath or mallee on sand.
Plants from near Dimboola have narrow-oblong leaves with moderately recurved margins and approach P. squamulosum subsp. squamulosum in appearance. However, Phebalium stenophyllum has leaves with an obscure or hardly impressed midrib.
Duretto, M.F. (1999). Rutaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 153–197. Inkata Press, Melbourne.