Viola ×zophodes
K.R.Thiele & ProberStoloniferous perennial herb, glabrous to leaves with scattered short hairs on upper surfaces. Leaf lamina broad-reniform, 10–16 mm long, 18–32 mm wide, base truncate to very broadly cuneate or with a broad sinus; apex broadly obtuse to truncate, margins shallowly 12–18-toothed; petioles 2–4 cm long; stipules free, narrowly triangular, 2–5 mm long, often shallowly gland-toothed. Flower-scapes to 12 cm long, exceeding leaves, bracteoles mostly below the middle. Sepals lanceolate, 3–4 mm long, acute, basal appendages small; petals 6–10 mm long, dark purple, usually grading to a small white tip; anterior petal ovate to broad ovate, not spurred, mostly 5–6 mm wide, usually emarginate, the middle 3 longitudinal veins prominent and more or less parallel, sometimes anastomosing; lateral petals twisted through 180 degrees, bearded in the basal half. Capsules not developing to maturity. Flowers Nov.–Jan.
EGU, MonT, VAlp. Apparently localised, known from moist high-montane to subalpine sites near Mts Wellington and Reynard (north of Licola) and the Bonang - Bendoc area in the far east.
A hybrid between V. eminens and V. fuscoviolacea and likely to occur wherever these species are sympatric. The degree to which a white tip is developed on the petals is variable. All observations to date indicate that the hybrid is sterile.