Spreading tree to 15 m tall; bark rough over most of trunk, grey-brown. Seedling leaves blue-green to glaucous. Inflorescences 3–7-flowered. Fruit to 0.6 cm wide. Flowers Mar.–May.
MuM, Wim. Apparently restricted to Wail State Forest, south of Dimboola, growing in deep sands.
Similar in many respects to Eucalyptus viminalis subsp. cygnetensis which occurs further south in the Little Desert National Park, but distinguished from that subspecies by its generally smaller adult leaves (to 15 cm long, 2.3 cm wide), smaller fruits, and flowers that are commonly mixed in groups of 3s or 7s (c.f. generally in 7s in subsp. cygnetensis).
This subspecies is possibly referable to E. huberiana Naudin (see Rule 2011).