Grevillea gariwerdensis
Makinson Gariwerd GrevilleaShrub 0.3–1 m high. Leaves entire, sublinear to narrowly oblong-elliptic or -oblong, often slightly incurved, 1–3(–5) cm long, 1–3 mm wide; upper surface with midvein and intramarginal veins usually prominent and granulose; margins shortly refracted; lower surface usually partly exposed, subsericeous. Conflorescences usually terminal, c. 1 cm long, usually pedunculate (peduncles to 15 mm long), regular, umbel-like; perianth white to pink with brownish limb (hairs), outer surface subsericeous to tomentose, inner surface with a scanty beard (rarely a few hairs only) opposite the ovary; pistil 7–8.5 mm long; ovary stipitate, glabrous, style white to pink, with minute hairs or papillae just below apex, pollen presenter oblique. Fruits faintly warty. Flowers recorded Oct.–Jan.
Wim, GGr, DunT. Endemic to the Grampians region, in western Victoria. Grows usually in low moist heath in sandy soils.
Grevillea gariwerdensis is very similar to G. micrantha, which has the upper leaf surface often densely granulose, and lacks a beard on the inner surface of the perianth or at most has a few hairs on the pulvinus opposite the ovary. Grevillea gariwerdensis usually has a more conspicuous (though still scanty and short-haired) beard, coarser and broader leaves, and often pedunculate conflorescences (occasionally some sessile). G. gariwerdensis is also very similar to G. alpivaga, the latter which has a slightly shorter pistil 6.5-7 mm long, more crowded leaves with the margins shortly twice-refracted, branchlets not secund, and sessile conflorescences. Also similar to G. neurophylla subsp. neurophylla which has longer leaves, the leaf upper surface usually convex, the leaf lower suface usually fully enclosed on either side of the midvein, and shorter pedicels (3–5 mm long) (Makinson 2000).
Makinson, R.O. (2000). Grevillea. In: Australian Biological Resources Study, Flora of Australia vol. 17A, Proteaceae 2, ~Grevillea~, pp. 1–524. CSIRO Publishing.