Gynochthodes jasminoides
(A.Cunn.) Razafim. & B.Bremer Jasmine MorindaScrambling shrub or woody climber, more or less glabrous; branches to 6 m long. Leaves narrow-elliptic to ovate, 2–9 cm long, 1–3 cm wide, acuminate, base cuneate to rounded, margins entire, domatia often present in vein axils on both surfaces; petiole 2–12 mm long; stipules deciduous. Inflorescences usually terminal, 3–20-flowered heads; peduncles paired, 5–35 mm long. Flowers bisexual; calyces completely fused, truncate or minutely toothed. Corolla white to pale purplish, often yellowish with age, tube 2–6 mm long, lobes 3 or 4, 2–5 mm long, more or less obtuse. Fruit irregularly shaped, usually 6–15 mm diam., fleshy, orange. Flowers Oct.–Feb.
GipP, EGL, EGU, HSF, HFE. Also WA, NT, Qld, NSW. In Victoria confined to moist lowland rainforest communities of East Gippsland.