Annual (rarely perennial) herbs. Leaves cauline, opposite below, alternate above, 1- or 2-pinnatisect (rarely simple). Capitula few–many, turbinate to campanulate, in terminal corymbose panicles; involucral bracts 1–3-seriate, free, c. equal, herbaceous with scarious margins; receptacle flat, naked. Ray florets usually 1–5, ligulate, female, yellow or white, sometimes absent; disc florets tubular, bisexual, corolla campanulate, 5-toothed, yellow or red-tinged; anthers obtuse or sagittate at base, with an obtuse apical appendage; style with flattened branches, apex obtuse or with a short acute appendage. Cypselas narrow-obpyramidal, usually 4-angled, with bifurcate hairs, particularly below on angles; pappus of 8–10 scarious scales, midrib prominent and sometimes excurrent as an awn.
About 6 species, from North and South America; 1 species naturalised in Australia.
Jeanes, J.A. (1999). Asteraceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 652–666. Inkata Press, Melbourne.