Weakly ascending to erect herb, to c. 50 cm high. Leaves cauline, 2–11 cm long, 4–35 mm wide, with 5–27 teeth or lobes, each terminating in a blunt mucro, all leaves green or with the undersurface purplish and with long glandular hairs mainly confined to the margins. Scapes manifestly exceeding leaves; bracts c. 25, 1-seriate, c. equal, lanceolate, 3–3.8 mm long, c. 0.5 mm wide, glabrous or with glandular hairs, mainly herbaceous but with narrow hyaline margins, with a prominent, often orange midrib; ligules 6.5–7.8 mm long, mauve. Cypselas obovoid, 1.6–2.3 mm long, 0.75–0.9 mm wide, uniformly brown, ridges on lateral faces not swollen, more or less smooth; lateral faces conspicuously tuberculate, glabrous except for scattered, curved hairs in immature cypselas; margins more or less smooth; pappus 0.15–0.5 mm long, bristles joined at base. Flowers mostly Aug.–Jan.
Wim, NIS, EGL, EGU, HNF, MonT, VAlp. Apparently endemic to East Gippsland where it commonly grows on cliffs and rocky slopes in forests and woodlands in the vicinity of Omeo, Buchan, Gelantipy and Wulgulmerang.