Biennial herbs to c. 1 m high, glabrous or with simple hairs, smelling of garlic when crushed. Basal leaves long petiolate, reniform or cordate, c. 15–88 mm wide, margins crenate or dentate; cauline leaves petiolate, broadly ovate, cordate, or deltoid, up to 15 cm long and wide; margins crenate; apex acute; base cordate or truncate. Sepals c. 2–4 mm long; petals 4–8 mm long, white. Fruit linear, (20–)30–70(–80) mm long, 1.2–2.5 mm wide, glabrous; style (0.2–)1–2(–3) mm long. Seeds narrowly oblong, 2–4.5 mm long, brown or black, striate.
CVU. Native to Eurasia. In Victoria invading roadside vegetation dominated by exotic species in the Macedon Ranges.
Plants have distinctly broad, simple leaves with long petioles (up to c. 16 cm long on basal leaves) that smell of garlic when crushed.