Pomaderris ferruginea
Sieber ex FenzlShrub 1.5–4 m high; branchlets moderately to densely villous with rusty simple hairs. Leaves narrow-ovate to ovate, 30–90 mm long, 15–40 mm wide, acute to obtuse, margins plane to slightly recurved, glabrous above, lower surface villous with mid-dense to dense, curved or wavy, rusty simple hairs over short stellate hairs, secondary veins apparent; stipules 4–6 mm long, deciduous. Panicles pyramidal to hemispherical, 3–10 cm diam., usually dense; bracts deciduous. Flowers cream, externally grey- to golden-villous; pedicels 1.5–4 mm long; hypanthium 1–1.5 mm long; sepals 1.5–2.5 mm long, deciduous; petals narrow-obovate, 1–2 mm long (rarely absent); disc absent; ovary virtually inferior, summit villous, style branched above midway. Operculum membranous, c. half mericarp length Flowers Aug.–Oct.
VVP, GipP, OtP, CVU, EGL, EGU, HSF, HFE. Also Qld, NSW. Locally common in lowland forest east from Bairnsdale, but with westerly outliers in the Brisbane Ranges and near Aireys Inlet.
See notes under P. ligustrina
Walsh, N.G. (1999). Pomaderris. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 85–109. Inkata Press, Melbourne.
![Pomaderris ferruginea (hero image)](https://vicflora-cdn.rbg.vic.gov.au/assets/canto/preview/2c87kch99105b0qktl4o37hc5i-20240327133730871.jpg)