Bulb ovoid, with long neck. Leaves several, linear, flat, 8–30 cm long, 15–30 mm wide. Scape erect, to 45 cm high. Umbel 4–12-flowered; pedicels 1–5 cm long; flowers pale pink or white, slightly zygomorphic; perianth segments 2.5–3 cm long, united at base for c. 5 mm, margins crisped; stamens deflexed, without basal appendages. Capsule orbicular.
VVP, DunT, HSF. Commonly cultivated, plants occasionally persisting or spreading from gardens into native habitats in Victoria.
The taxonomy of N. felxuosa and closely related species is complicated by the number of cultivated forms and hybrids. Nerine flexuosa is regarded as a synonym of N. undulata (L.) Herb. by some.