Shrub 0.2–1.5 m high; rays of hairs on branchlets to 0.25(–0.5) mm long. Leaves narrowly elliptic-oblong to slightly lanceolate, (7–)26–33 mm long, 2–6 mm wide, margins entire, apex truncate or slightly retuse to obtuse, base more or less cuneate. Pedicels 3–7 mm long, glabrous or glabrescent. Sepals c. 0.5 mm long, glabrous or few hairs at tip. Petals white, 3–4 mm long. Carpels glabrous. Flowers Aug.-Nov.
GGr. Endemic in the Grampians and apparently restricted to the Victoria Range, on and near Mt Thackeray. Occurs in woodland and open forest, usually amongst sandstone outcrops. Reported for the Black Range (west of the Grampians) but no substantiating specimens are known to exist.