Leionema bilobum
(Lindl.) Paul G.WilsonShrub to 3 m high; branchlets slender, terete or slightly angular when young, minutely or coarsely stellate-hairy. Leaves shortly petiolate, chartaceous, shortly ovate-oblong and constricted below apex (Grampians) or narrowly elliptic-oblong or oblong (Gippsland), 6–50 mm long, 3–10 mm wide, truncate to strongly retuse, minutely glandular punctate, sparsely stellate-hairy to glabrous, midrib slightly impressed above, margins flat (Gippsland) or slightly recurved (Grampians), slightly to strongly serrate. Inflorescence a terminal cyme; flowers in axils of small terminal bracts or in short pedunculate clusters; pedicels minutely stellate-hairy, 4–8 mm long. Calyx c. 0.5 mm long, distinctly lobed, sparsely stellate-hairy; petals valvate, narrowly elliptic, 3–5 mm long, white, red towards apex, glabrous; stamens sub-equal to petals, anther pale yellow; disc short-cylindric, red or green; carpels 2–3(–4), glabrous. Follicles divaricate, narrowed at apex with terminal rostrum c. 1 mm long, smooth, c. 5 mm long.
Wim, VVP, GipP, GGr, DunT, HSF, HNF, Strz, VAlp.
There are 4 subspecies; 3 in Victoria, 1 in Tasmania.
Duretto, M.F. (1999). Rutaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 153–197. Inkata Press, Melbourne.