Eucalyptus dalrympleana subsp. poliophylla
D.Nicolle Broad-leaved Mountain-gumTree to 30 m tall. Adult leaves petiolate, alternate, lanceolate, usually undulate, 8–22 cm long, 1.8–4.5 cm wide, concolorous, dull, grey-green, not or lightly pruinose; buds 0.6–0.9 cm long, 0.3–0.6 cm diam. Fruit 0.6– 0.8 cm long, 0.7–1 cm diam.
Restricted to the Victorian Alps, in the area approximately bounded by Mt Buffalo, Mt Bogong, Mt Hotham, and Bennison Plains. All known populations occur above 1200 m altitude, in forest dominated by Eucalyptus delegatensis, or in the ecotone between E. delegatensis and E. pauciflora, on rocky, steep hillslopes or escarpment edges.
Eucalyptus dalrympleana subsp. poliophylla differs from the nominate subspecies mainly by its dull, grey-green leaves. Nicolle (2022) also notes that subsp. poliophylla has larger fruits, however, the reliability of fruit size as a difference is questionable.