Stems and leaves with subappressed hairs to 1 mm long. Ultimate divisions of leaves 1.5–4 mm wide, obtuse. Involucral bracts with few hairs (and these mostly in the upper part) or hairs lacking. Cypselas 3.5–4.5 mm long. Flowers ?Nov.–Feb.
MuM, Wim, GipP, EGL, EGU. Also Qld, NSW. In Victoria apparently confined to dry rocky slopes in the Bairnsdale-Orbost area (Eagle Point, Mitchell River National Park, Bete Bolong) but rare (only 3 post-1900 collections are represented at MEL).
Walsh, N.G. (1999). Vittadinia. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 869–877. Inkata Press, Melbourne.