Podolepis rugata
Labill.Erect (in Victoria) or decumbent, simple or sparingly branched, herb to 50 cm high, renewed annually from thickened persistent rootstock; stems woolly, cobwebbed or glabrous. Leaves variously hairy or glabrous, margins flat to revolute, entire; basal leaves lanceolate to oblanceolate, 3–10(–15) cm long, 3–13(–20) mm wide, petiolate, base amplexicaul, apex acute; cauline leaves linear to linear-lanceolate (in Victoria) or oblanceolate to spathulate, 1–10(–16) cm long, 1–10(–15) mm wide, sessile, stem-clasping, apex acute. Capitula hemispherical, mostly 12–30 mm diam., solitary or a few in loose cymes; peduncles 3–10 cm long; involucral bracts with linear, glandular claws; lamina oblong to more or less ovate (in Victoria) or narrow-trullate, scarious, transversely rugose (in Victoria) or virtually smooth, often golden brown on drying, apex obtuse (in Victoria) or acuminate; intermediate bracts 6–15 mm long, with claws shorter than the lamina (in Victoria); inner bracts long-clawed. Florets bright yellow; ray florets 30–70, 10–25 mm long; disc florets numerous. Cypselas 2–3 mm long; pappus bristles 30–60, shortly connate at base, 6–10 mm long.
LoM, MuM, GleP, VVP, OtP. Occurs in WA, SA and Vic.
A species of 4 subspecies, 2 occurring in Victoria.