Acacia leprosa var. magna
Maslin & D.J.MurphyShrub to 3 m high, sometimes trees to 10 m high; branchlets with sparse to moderate cover of appressed, minute hairs on ribs, rarely pruinose. Phyllodes narrowly elliptic to oblong-elliptic, sometimes lanceolate, 8–13 cm long, (12–)15–20(–30) mm wide; veins 2; gland indistinct, situated at distal end of pulvinus. Peduncles 4–6 mm long, subglabrous or with sparse minute, appressed or sub-appressed hairs, basal bract persistent, 3–4 mm long. Heads mostly 20–35-flowered; bracteoles lanceolate, c. 2 mm long, longer than the sepals and petals, acuminate. Flowers Sep.–Nov.
OtP, WaP, OtR. Restricted to hillsides with tall wet forest or rainforest in the Otways, from Anglesea to Carlisle River.
Readily distinguished by the large, conspicuous peduncular bracts that are persistent (often still present as pods are forming).