Lavandula dentata var. candicans
Batt.Shrub to c. 1 m high; indumentum woolly, grey. Leaves linear to narrow-oblong, 2–3 cm long, wide, rounded, pinnate to pinnatifid, margin sometimes revolute. Peduncle to 30 cm long; bracts subtending cymes broad-ovate, purplish, 7–11 mm long; terminal bracts 7–10 mm long. Calyx 5–7 mm long, lobes under 1 mm long, 13-veined; corolla 8–10 mm long, tube light violet-blue, only slightly exserted from calyx, limb dark purple; stamens included within corolla-tube. Recorded flowering in Victoria Sep.–Dec.
VVP, GipP, OtP, Gold. Native to the Mediterranean region and Arabian Peninsula. Commonly cultivated as an ornamental and for its oils and has become naturalised in a coastal recreational reserve at Portland, in degraded Eucalyptus camaldulensis grassy woodland at Harcourt, and along a highly weed-infested railway line at Ivanhoe.