Small, rhizomatous or stoloniferous perennial herbs, variably hirsute with multicellular hairs. Leaves usually radical, mostly lanceolate, oblanceolate or spathulate, toothed to lobed, rarely almost entire, apex and lobes usually apiculate, base attenuate (in Australia). Capitula radiate, solitary (in Australia) on usually unbranched scapes; involucre hemispherical, bracts numerous, in several rows, imbricate, herbaceous with very narrow scarious margins; receptacle naked, flat or convex. Ray florets female, numerous, in several rows (in Australia); disc florets fewer, bisexual but functionally male, tubular, corolla (4–)5-toothed; anthers obtuse at the base, apical appendages lanceolate; style branches with subulate, papillose appendages. Cypselas compressed, margin somewhat thickened into a narrow rib, asymmetrically contracted at the apex into a short glandular beak with a thickened apical rim; pappus absent.
12 species, in South-east Asia, Australasia, and South America; 9 species are endemic to Australia, and 3 occur elsewhere.
The name Lagenophora has been conserved over the original spelling Lagenifera.
The key to the species is taken from Wang & Bean (2019).
Clarke, I.C. (1999). Lagenophora. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 864–867. Inkata Press, Melbourne.

Wang, J.; Bean, A.R. (2016). A review of Lagenophora Cass. (Astereae: Asteraceae) in Queensland, Australia. Austrobaileya 9(4): 475.
Wang, J.; Bean, A.R. (2019). A taxonomic revision of Lagenophora Cass. (Asteraceae) in Australia. Austrobaileya 10(3): 405–442.