Brachyscome ciliaris var. brachyglossa
GaubaErect annual herb; stems and leaves with glandular hairs and occasional eglandular hairs reducing in density downwards. Leaves to 1.5 cm long, pinnatisect to pinnatifid with 1–4 segments on each side; segments oblong to linear, ronded to acute. Peduncles with dense glandular hairs. Involucral bracts with dense glandular hairs. Ligules to 2 mm long. Cypselas 1.4–1.6 mm long, with glandular hairs in medial longitudinal band on lateral faces; marginal wings present on disc florets, ciliate with glandular hairs; pappus minute ring of teeth c. 0.1 mm high. Flowers spring.
MuM, MuF, GGr. Occurs mainly in northern Victoria with a few southerly outliers (e.g. Mt Arapiles) in sandy loam and clay loam soil in mallee eucalypt communities, open woodlands of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and grasslands.
The transition from winged to unwinged cypselas can be gradual with some disc cypselas developing wings on only one margin (Short 2014).
Short, P.S. (2014). A taxonomic review of Brachyscome Cass. (Asteraceae: Astereae).. Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 28: 1–219.