Acacia nanopravissima
Molyneux & ForresterShrub 0.4–0.6(–1) m high, root-suckering, stems erect; branchlets glabrous. Phyllodes generally triangular, adaxial margin conspicuously rounded with the proximal edge more or less parallel to branchlet, 3–8 mm long, 4–8 mm wide, glabrous, green to grey-green, mucronate, imperfectly 2-veined, midrib near abaxial margin and lesser vein above it, lateral veins indistinct; gland prominent, (1.6–)2.3–3.7(–4.5) mm above pulvinus. Racemes with rachis (0.5–)1.2–2.7(–6) cm long, glabrous; peduncles 2–4 mm long, glabrous; heads prolific, globular, 7–9-flowered, golden. Flowers 5-merous; sepals united. Pods not seen. Flowers Aug.–Oct.
EGU, HNF, MonT. Apparently restricted to high rocky ground in the upper catchment of Little River near Wulgulmerang.
This species was previously regarded to be a dwarf variant of A. pravissima.
Acacia nanopravissima spreads by suckering and does not seem to set fruit. It co-occurs with A. infecunda (previously regarded to be a dwarf variant of A. boormanii) and A. tabula (previously regarded to be a dwarf variant of A. buxifolia). All three species are restricted to the same location and are apparently sterile.